The best way to introduce yourself as a developer to other developers is to use your favourite programming language to write a short bio that is syntactically and semantically correct.
At least we know we are speaking the same language.
–– Gap (1991 - present)
Open for full remote opportunities. Feel free to contact [email protected].
More About me?
I have built some interesting side projects on my leisure time throughout my career.
GapStyle is a productivity-oriented and experience-driven designed color scheme. - gaplo917/GapStyle
Automatically patch latest Hack Font with latest JetBrains Mono / FiraCode Ligatures - gaplo917/Ligatured-Hack
Apache Httpd vs Nginx vs Traefik vs HAProxy. Contribute to gaplo917/load-balancer-benchmark development by creating an account on GitHub.
HKEPC Forum Reader. A Hybrid Sweet Spot Real Live Example (Native + WebView) - gaplo917/hkepc-ionic-reader
Provide a Protobuf BSON Codec for MongoDB, written by Kotlin - gaplotech/kotlin-protobuf-bson-codec
React MVVM architecture powered by MobX. Contribute to gaplo917/mobx-react-mvvm-example development by creating an account on GitHub.
#Scala #Akka #Actor Systems #Play! #RxScala
#Kotlin #Android #Vert.x #Ktor #RxKotlin
#Swift #iOS #RxSwift
#Java #Spring #Java11 #RxJava
#Nodejs #Express #Rxjs
#React #Nextjs
#Vue #Nuxtjs
#Functional Programming #Reactive Programming
#Docker #Kubenetes
#gRPC #GraphQL